Design, UI, UX, Inspiration, Website Examples

16 Opt-In Pages That Do It Right [+ Practical Tips]

Real live examples of opt-in pages to check out and practical tips to try

In this article, we’ll look at 16 excellent opt-in-page examples and break them down. We’ll also include practical tips for improving your own opt-in page.

Your email list is a valuable tool in your marketing toolkit. When people sign up for it, they’re showing they’re interested in what you’re offering and this interest makes them great candidates to nurture and guide through the sales process. But here’s the challenge: you need a way to collect their email addresses and get their clear permission to send them emails. That’s where an opt-in page comes in.

So, what exactly is an opt-in page? Simply put, it’s a special page designed to encourage visitors to sign up for your email list. This could be as simple as subscribing to weekly updates or joining your list while registering for a webinar. While all opt-in pages are landing pages, not all landing pages are opt-in pages.

How do you tell the difference? A landing page usually gives general information about your product or service and includes several calls to action. On the other hand, an opt-in page is focused solely on collecting visitors’ email addresses or contact details.

No matter what you’re offering on your opt-in page, it’s important to follow data protection rules. This means getting clear permission from subscribers to send them emails. Including a checkbox or notification to let visitors know they’re joining a mailing list, with the option to unsubscribe anytime, is essential for following the rules and being transparent.

Now, with this out of the way, let’s check out the following opt-in page examples and look at 6 practical tips.

1. Content Mavericks Case Study Opt-In Page

Content Mavericks is an online education company focused on teaching people how to increase their web traffic with less content. Their opt-in page showcases how an excellent lead magnet can drive conversions without needing a complex design.

Chris von Wilpert, the founder, shares how he made $100,000 from a single blog post with just $688.71 in ad spend. This compelling case study draws immediate interest. The page also features a screenshot of a message from Noah Kagan, the founder of AppSumo and Sumo, which boosts credibility. Given Noah’s reputation, this social proof strongly resonates with the target audience.

Key Highlights:
  • Compelling Story: Shares a powerful success story that grabs attention.
  • High-Value Lead Magnet: Offers valuable content that drives sign-ups.
  • Credibility: Features social proof from a well-known figure in the industry.
  • Simple Design: Proves that a straightforward opt-in page can be highly effective.
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2. Social Triggers Weekly Newsletter

Derek Halpern, a well-known blogger and online marketing expert, uses the Social Triggers homepage as an opt-in page for his weekly newsletter. His personality shines through in the design and content. Below the fold, helpful resources and a creative slideshow featuring the latest blog posts keep visitors engaged. Additionally, social proof is strategically displayed.

The exit-intent pop-up is a standout feature. This type of pop-up appears when visitors are about to leave the site, making a last attempt to capture their interest. It’s a psychological trick that encourages reconsideration: do you really want to “reject the free ebook”? This method is popular because it doesn’t interrupt the browsing experience but still captures leads effectively.

Key Highlights:
  • Personal Touch: Derek’s personality is evident, making the page more relatable.
  • Engaging Content: Helpful resources and a creative slideshow keep visitors interested.
  • Effective Use of Social Proof: Builds trust and credibility.
  • Exit-Intent Pop-Up: A smart, non-intrusive way to capture leads.
  • Psychological Appeal: Encourages visitors to reconsider leaving without subscribing.
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3. Customer io The State of Messaging Report’s opt-in page captures attention with a vivid, story-telling illustration that visually represents the messaging landscape. The value proposition is clear, highlighting the benefits of downloading the report, such as gaining valuable insights for 2024 to optimize messaging strategies.

The lower section of the page leverages social proof by mentioning over 7,000 companies that trust their service, adding substantial credibility. The dual CTA (Call to Action) offers visitors the option to either request a demo or start a trial, catering to different stages of the customer journey. Additionally, this opt-in page shows that such forms can be integrated as popups on your website, providing flexibility in how they are presented.

Key Highlights:
  • Engaging Illustration: Captivates attention and visually explains the messaging landscape.
  • Clear Value Proposition: Clearly states the benefits of downloading the report.
  • Strong Social Proof: Mentions over 7,000 trusted companies to build credibility.
  • Dual CTA: Offers multiple actions catering to different customer journey stages.
  • Flexible Integration: Can be used as a standalone page or as a popup.
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4. Yoga Journal

Yoga Journal’s Outside Plus subscription package for wellness enthusiasts features a persuasive opt-in page with clear benefits and a straightforward subscription process. The design and layout include a natural landscape background that sets the tone for the outdoor and wellness lifestyle, with a clean layout emphasizing social proof.

The membership benefits are highlighted throughout the page, with six different benefits displayed using a smooth fade effect as users scroll down. Each benefit is described briefly, maintaining simplicity and ensuring the benefits are tangible by including actual prices.

Key Highlights:
  • Engaging Design: Natural landscape background that aligns with the wellness theme.
  • Clear Benefits: Highlights six different membership benefits with smooth transitions.
  • Straightforward Subscription Process: Simplifies the decision-making process for visitors.
  • Social Proof: Builds trust by showcasing testimonials and other proof points.
  • Tangible Value: Including actual prices makes the benefits feel more concrete.
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5. Wyser IT Global HR Trends Report 2024

Wyser’s opt-in page for the Global HR Trends Report 2024 is a great example of using multiple CTAs that all direct users to the same form. This seamless navigation ensures that visitors can access the form easily, whether they click at the top of the page or after reading through the entire content.

The content description is brief and to the point, outlining the value of the report by addressing IT talent search and HR trends. The form fields request detailed contact information, aligning with standard B2B lead generation strategies.

Key Highlights:
  • Multiple CTAs: Ensures easy access to the form from any point on the page.
  • Clear Content Description: Briefly outlines the value of the report.
  • Detailed Form Fields: Requests comprehensive contact information typical for B2B leads.
  • User-Friendly Navigation: Simplifies the user journey with accessible form links.
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6. Dorie Clark Self-Assessment Workbook

Dorie Clark, a renowned author, speaker, and business educator, offers a free self-assessment workbook on her opt-in page. Visitors are prompted to enter their name and email to unlock this valuable resource.

The page features trustworthy signs, such as mentions from “The New York Times” and prominent awards, boosting her credibility. It highlights her achievements, showcasing her as one of the top business thinkers and an expert in communication. The statement “Join 71,000+ Smart People” emphasizes her large following, encouraging new visitors to sign up.

Key Highlights:

  • Clear Call to Action: Simple prompt to enter name and email for the free workbook.
  • Trustworthy Signs: Mentions from well-known publications and prestigious awards enhance credibility.
  • Highlighting Achievements: Showcases her status as a top business thinker and communication expert.
  • Large Following: The mention of 71,000+ followers adds social proof and encourages sign-ups.
  • Valuable Resource: Offers a free, useful workbook, appealing to visitors interested in personal and professional development.
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7. B2B Influencer Marketing Report

Top Ranks Marketing’s opt-in page for the B2B Influencer Marketing Report effectively uses white space, making the content easy to digest. However, the lead form fields blend into the background a bit too much. The page has a clear title that explains what the ebook is about, along with an appealing image of the book to generate interest.

A concise list outlines what users will learn from the report, providing a clear value proposition. Additionally, a checkbox for permission to send monthly emails aims to start communication with the subscribers right away.

Key Highlights:
  • Effective Use of White Space: Ensures content is easy to read and digest.
  • Clear Title: Clearly states what the ebook is about.
  • Appealing Book Image: Attracts interest and creates demand.
  • Value Proposition: Lists what users will learn, clarifying the benefits.
  • Communication Permission: A checkbox for monthly emails helps start immediate engagement.
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8. Lisa Romano Life Coach Free Video Presentation

Lisa A. Romano’s opt-in page features a powerful, life-changing message: “Codependency does NOT have to control your life… You CAN break through!” This headline immediately resonates with her core audience by acknowledging their pain and offering hope.

The opt-in offer is a free, 14-minute video presentation, which represents an easy commitment for visitors. This short duration makes it an appealing option for those unsure about the value they will receive. The message and offer work together to build empathy and provide a quick way for potential clients to see if Lisa’s methods can truly change their lives.

Key Highlights:
  • Powerful Headline: Immediately connects with the audience by addressing their pain and offering hope.
  • Empathy and Understanding: Shows that Lisa understands her audience’s struggles.
  • Easy Commitment: The 14-minute video presentation is a low-risk way for visitors to engage.
  • Clear Value Proposition: Offers a tangible benefit that can make a significant impact.
  • Trust Building: Encourages visitors to take the first step towards positive change.
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9. David Keesee Find a Way Business Book

David Keesee offers his free book, Find a Way, on his homepage with a bright yellow button leading to the opt-in page. This color theme is consistently used throughout, making the CTA buttons easy to spot. The eye-catching gold buttons stand out against both dark and light backgrounds, simplifying the decision-making process for visitors.

The rest of the page uses a white font on a black background to clearly present the offer details. The main offer, “GET YOUR FREE COPY OF FIND A WAY,” includes additional benefits like bonuses with a total value of over $248. These bonuses, ranging from videos to book club memberships, are appealing to those who like to calculate the value they’re receiving.

The page also features strong testimonials, proving the book’s impact on readers’ personal and professional lives. To create urgency, David uses phrases like “Offer expires as soon as we run out of books” and “HURRY, this offer won’t last long.” These statements encourage visitors to take immediate action to avoid missing out.

Key Highlights:
  • Consistent Color Theme: Bright yellow buttons stand out, making the CTA easy to find.
  • Clear Offer Details: White font on a black background presents the offer effectively.
  • Valuable Bonuses: Additional benefits worth over $248 enhance the offer’s appeal.
  • Strong Testimonials: Highlights the positive impact of the book on readers.
  • Sense of Urgency: Phrases like “while supplies last” and “HURRY” prompt immediate action.
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10. Click Consult Guide to Paid Research

Click Consult’s opt-in page for the Guide to Paid Research is designed with ample white space, ensuring easy readability. The page starts with a jargon-busting introduction explaining how paid search (PPC) can help achieve business goals effectively.

A short bullet-point list outlines exactly what the book covers, making it easy for visitors to understand the content. Additionally, the page offers preview pages of the ebook, giving readers a glimpse into what they can expect.

The fill-in form is comprehensive, collecting necessary information from visitors interested in accessing the guide.

Key Highlights:
  • Clear Introduction: Jargon-free explanation of how PPC can benefit businesses.
  • Bullet Point List: Highlights key topics covered in the book for easy understanding.
  • Ebook Preview Pages: Provides a sneak peek into the content.
  • Comprehensive Form: Collects necessary information efficiently.
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11. Mainstreet Host How to Conquer Social Media Guide

Mainstreet Host’s opt-in page for the How to Conquer Social Media Guide excels with a descriptive paragraph placed below a clear headline. It effectively communicates what readers will gain from the ebook and emphasizes its value.

The page transparently informs visitors of the ebook’s length, stating that it spans 32 pages. This length strikes a well-balanced approach, providing comprehensive information without overwhelming the reader.

Prominently featured are the four main components that readers will learn, presented with large, skimmable titles and concise paragraphs for easy comprehension.

Aggressive subscriber prompts are integrated into the online form, prompting visitors to opt-out of subscribing with the option, “No, I don’t want to learn how to grow my business.”

The call-to-action button is strategically designed to change color, drawing attention and encouraging action.

Key Highlights:
  • Clear Headline and Description: Communicates the ebook’s value effectively.
  • Transparent Length Information: Informs readers upfront about the ebook’s length.
  • Prominent Feature Highlights: Highlights main components with large titles and short paragraphs.
  • Strategically Designed CTA Button: Changes color to prompt action.
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12. ConversionLab Free Consult

ConversionLab’s free consultation lead generation page collects comprehensive data, including the user’s name, email address, company name, job title, and industry. This tailored approach ensures that the information collected aligns with both the business’s needs and the customer’s position in the sales funnel.

The page features compelling headlines that effectively represent the benefits of the free consultation service. Additionally, it includes fields for the prospect’s name, business email, company name and website, and traffic level from paid ads, providing valuable insights for both parties.

Key Highlights:
  • Comprehensive Data Collection: Collects detailed information tailored to business needs and customer position in the sales funnel.
  • Compelling Headlines: Highlights the benefits of the free consultation service.
  • Custom Form Fields: Includes fields for the prospect’s name, email, company details, and traffic level from paid ads.
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13. Backlinko SEO Best Practices Newsletter

Backlinko’s opt-in page for the SEO Best Practices Newsletter is highly effective, requiring only two scroll downs to view the entire page. This streamlined design ensures a seamless user experience and encourages engagement.

The page leverages social proof with an impressive subscriber count, adding a sense of exclusivity and prompting visitors to “join the club.” Additionally, the inclusion of brand logos from well-known companies boosts the brand’s credibility and authority in the field of SEO.

Key Highlights:
  • Streamlined Design: Requires minimal scrolling for easy access to all content.
  • Social Proof: An impressive subscriber count adds exclusivity and encourages sign-ups.
  • Brand Logos: Support from well-known brands enhances credibility and authority.
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14. The 3-2-1 Newsletter James Clear

James Clear’s 3-2-1 Newsletter stands out for its uniqueness, delivering three short and insightful points every Thursday.

The newsletter focuses on quality over quantity, providing concise and meaningful content that resonates with readers. Its regularity ensures consistency, with subscribers knowing when to anticipate the newsletter, thereby increasing engagement.

A unique selling proposition is highlighted, showcasing what makes the newsletter special and what readers can expect every Thursday.

Key Highlights:
  • Focus on Quality: Provides concise and meaningful content, emphasizing quality over quantity.
  • Regularity: Scheduled delivery increases engagement by providing consistency.
  • Unique Selling Proposition: Highlights what sets the newsletter apart and what readers can expect each week.
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15. Niel Patel SEO Traffic Action Plan

Niel Patel’s SEO Traffic Action Plan opt-in form targets marketers seeking to enhance their SEO traffic. It stands out for its unique approach of incentivizing visitors from the start by asking five questions to generate a personalized SEO plan.

The incentive of a free website audit adds tangible value to the subscription, enticing visitors to sign up. The clarity of what users will receive upon joining ensures there is no ambiguity, making the offer more compelling.

Moreover, the personalized pathway created by the form encourages tailored user interaction, making the overall user journey memorable and distinct.

Key Highlights:
  • Incentive: Offers a free website audit, providing tangible value to subscribers.
  • Clarity: Clearly outlines what users will receive, removing ambiguity.
  • Personalized Pathway: Encourages tailored user interaction, creating a unique and memorable user experience.
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16. Bluchic Free Roadmap

Bluchic’s opt-in page for the Free Roadmap showcases a unique approach to capturing leads. Unlike traditional opt-in pages, Bluchic employs a two-step opt-in process where users click a button to trigger a sign-up form popup.

The landing page features a large, attention-grabbing CTA button that says “Send Me My Free Roadmap!” This button’s color scheme is consistent with Bluchic’s brand website, maintaining brand identity and recognition.

The description text promises beginners that they can use the guide to create a website in a single weekend, setting clear expectations for the value of the roadmap.

Upon clicking the button, users are presented with a lightbox popup containing the actual signup form, streamlining the process and enhancing user experience.

Key Highlights:
  • Two-step Opt-in Process: Users click a button to trigger a sign-up form popup, simplifying the process.
  • Consistent Branding: The color scheme aligns with Bluchic’s website, maintaining brand identity.
  • Clear Value Proposition: The description promises beginners can create a website in a single weekend, setting clear expectations.
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What Should You Include In an Opt-In Page?

Since opt-in pages are essential for expanding your email list and converting website visitors into subscribers, knowing what specific elements to include can boost its effectiveness. Here’s what to consider:

✔️ A Catchy Heading

Your headline serves to grab your visitors’ attention and highlights the benefits of subscribing. For instance, if you provide a free guide on “10 Tips to Enhance Your Productivity,” a compelling headline could read, “Unlock Your Productivity Potential with Our Free Guide!”

✔️ Features

To make it easy for visitors to understand the value of what you offer, make that information digestable as bullet points that highlight the features and benefits. For example, if you’re offering a mini-course on “Mastering Social Media Marketing,” bullet points could spotlight key topics like “Creating Engaging Content” and “Optimizing Ad Campaigns.”

✔️ A Simple Signup Form

A user-friendly signup form helps visitors enter their contact details without the risk of making them give up halfway through. Typically, this includes fields for name and email address. For instance, “Enter your name and email to access our free webinar on ‘Building a Successful Online Business.'”

✔️ A Persuasive Call to Action

A compelling CTA will encourage your visitors to take action. Phrases like “Get Instant Access,” “Claim Your Free Gift,” or “Start Learning Now” can do the work even more effectively.

✔️ More Descriptive Content

Bullet points with benefits and features aside, visitors who are already interested would want to learn more. So why not elaborate on them even further throughout the page copy? For instance, if you’re providing a free ebook on “Healthy Eating Habits,” your copy could highlight how the ebook includes simple recipes, expert nutrition tips, and meal planning guides to support readers in achieving their wellness goals.

✔️ Social Proof

Including social proof elements such as testimonials or statistics builds credibility and trust. You can display testimonials from satisfied subscribers, like “I’ve gained valuable insights from the weekly newsletters!” – Jane Doe or/and feature logos of reputable companies that endorse your content.

✔️ Relevant Visuals

Use high-quality images to complement your offer and improve visual appeal. For example, if you’re promoting a webinar on “Digital Marketing Strategies,” include images of engaging presentations or successful marketing campaigns to demonstrate the value of attending the webinar.


6 Tips for Making A Converting Opt-In Page

In this section, we’ll explore six straightforward tips to optimize your opt-in page with practical examples.

1. 👉 Lead with the Benefit

When you create your opt-in page, it’s important to highlight the benefits of subscribing to your email list. If you mange to explain what visitors will gain from sharing their email addresses, you can make the offer more appealing. Consider adding access to exclusive content, special discounts, or entry into a giveaway.

For instance, if your website offers a free guide on financial planning, your headline could say, “Take Control of Your Finances – Subscribe for Expert Tips!” This immediately communicates the benefit of subscribing and encourages visitors to take action.

2. 👉 Use Social Proof

As we mentioned earlier, people are more likely to subscribe to your email list if they see that others have had positive experiences with your brand. Include customer testimonials, user reviews, or subscriber counts to showcase the positive impact your product or service has had on others.

For example, you could feature testimonials from satisfied customers who have seen significant results from using your products or services. Quotes like “This product changed my life!” or “I love the content in these newsletters!” add credibility to your brand. Additionally, displaying the number of subscribers or customers you have creates a sense of community and encourages visitors to join.

3. 👉 Optimize the CTA Button

Instead of using generic phrases like “subscribe,” infuse creativity and interactivity into your CTA copy. This encourages visitors to take immediate action and increases the likelihood of them subscribing to your email list.

For instance, if you’re offering a free webinar on financial planning, your CTA button could say, “Unlock Expert Financial Advice” or “Join the Webinar Now.” These phrases clearly communicate the action visitors need to take and the value they’ll receive by doing so.

4. 👉 Limit Form Fields

Simplify your opt-in forms by limiting the number of fields required for subscription. Long, complex forms can deter visitors from signing up, as they may perceive them as time-consuming or intrusive. By keeping your opt-in forms concise and straightforward, you reduce friction and make it easier for visitors to subscribe. Typically, asking for just two or three essential fields, such as name and email address, is sufficient to capture leads effectively.

For example, if you’re offering a free financial consultation, your opt-in form could include fields for the visitor’s name and email address only. This approach eliminates unnecessary barriers to entry and increases the likelihood of conversion.

5. 👉 Make it Clear What People Are Signing Up For

Clearly communicate to visitors what they are signing up for and what they can expect in return for providing their email address. Avoid any confusion by explicitly stating the benefits and offerings associated with subscribing to your email list. This ensures that visitors understand the value proposition and are more likely to opt in willingly.

For example, if your opt-in page offers access to exclusive discounts and promotions, clearly state that by subscribing, visitors will receive special offers and insider deals straight to their inbox. Additionally, if subscribing also means receiving regular newsletters or updates, make sure to mention this upfront.

6. 👉 Think of How People Will Access Your Opt-in Page

Consider the various channels through which potential subscribers may access your opt-in page and tailor your marketing efforts accordingly. Since opt-in pages are often standalone web pages that may not be immediately visible, employ a variety of tactics to attract potential subscribers to these pages. Use strategies such as search engine optimization (SEO), paid advertising, email marketing, backlinking, influencer partnerships, and internal site links to drive traffic to your opt-in page.

For example, optimize your opt-in page for relevant keywords to improve its visibility in search engine results. Run targeted ads on platforms like Google, Instagram, and Facebook to reach your target audience and direct them to your opt-in page. Leverage your existing email list to promote your opt-in page and encourage subscribers to sign up for additional offers. You can also collaborate with influencers in your niche to expand your reach and attract new subscribers. Additionally, also consider placing links on your website to guide visitors to your opt-in page, increasing its discoverability and conversion potential.


Alrighty, folks, that’s a wrap!

To sum up, building a successful opt-in page doesn’t have to be hard. Stick to a few basic rules, and you can design opt-in pages that attract visitors and grow your email list easily.

First, pay close attention to your headlines. Your headline is the first thing visitors see, so make it catchy and relevant.

Additionally, use clear and simple language throughout your opt-in page. Instead of relying on bullet points, use straightforward sentences to explain the key benefits of subscribing to your email list. This helps visitors quickly understand the value of your offer and increases the chances of them signing up.

And lastly, keep your opt-in page focused and concise. Avoid overwhelming visitors with too much information and instead highlight the most compelling aspects of your offer. By simplifying your content and removing unnecessary details, you improve clarity and encourage visitors to subscribe.

Hey, before you go, don’t forget to check out our other awesome articles on UI/UX design! We’ve got loads of tips and inspiration to help you create stunning designs that will blow your mind.

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